vongolaprimo Yo
vongolaprimo dude it looks there really is no way for me to watch Gurren lol
eytang8@yahoo.com hm
eytang8@yahoo.com really?
vongolaprimo Not here right now, sorry.
vongolaprimo yeah I was DLing the files
vongolaprimo and I was like..
vongolaprimo ep. 15 is working out alright! Yeah!!
vongolaprimo Then I got to ep. 17, and it started doing the same thing from what it was doing from the previous downloaded file
vongolaprimo So yeah, sucks
vongolaprimo it looks like I'll have to buy the DVD
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm sure you can find it somewhere....
vongolaprimo or just watch it somewhere online, but I can' find sites that has it
vongolaprimo *can't
vongolaprimo Anyways, how's ur day?
eytang8@yahoo.com It's alright, I guess
vongolaprimo hm
vongolaprimo really?
vongolaprimo Nothing new happened?
eytang8@yahoo.com it's just been a slow day
eytang8@yahoo.com Not really anything new
vongolaprimo yeah..
vongolaprimo I slept til 1 pm today
vongolaprimo but like..
vongolaprimo I was kinda awake
vongolaprimo so it was weird
eytang8@yahoo.com mm...